大学探索的过程对你的家庭来说是一个令人兴奋和重要的时刻. 菲律宾十大网赌网站认识到家庭在其中起着重要的作用 在学生的大学选择和他们在整个大学生涯的成功中的作用. 新生和家庭项目办公室的目标之一是介绍 new students and families to services and programs available on campus.
在这个过程中,你能扮演的最重要的角色是倾听和支持 你的学生. Help them through the application process and in applying for financial 包括奖学金在内的援助. At the same time, encourage them to remain focused on 高中学业.
及时了解校园里的所有活动,并分享你的学生的狮子 experience by signing up for our 狮子家族通讯. 你会收到及时的信息 about upcoming events, important registration deadlines, and more. 登记 免费的 & 您可以随时退订. Sign up by clicking the newsletter registration button.
- Attend local college fairs to start gathering college information.
- 大三/大四-菲律宾十大网赌网站的信息,菲律宾十大网赌网站时间表,并安排 校园参观. Attend financial aid workshops hosted by your high school and/or UAFS.
- Keep a file for each college considered.
- Take the ACT and/or SAT early to apply for scholarships. 测试前的夏天 senior year and early in the fall senior year is recommended.
- 大四-开始申请联邦和州援助,提交你的FAFSA和 你的奖学金申请. Stay aware of deadlines such as the UAFS priority scholarship 11月的最后期限. 15. 父母 can help their students through this process by watching deadlines and providing required materials. Enjoy your child’s high school experience and help them prepare for the college experience.
有各种各样的服务可以帮助学生在课堂上取得成功. 的 Gordon Kelley Academic Success Center (ASC)位于Vines大楼,提供包括数学在内的各种免费服务 实验室,写作中心,小组辅导,以及范围广泛的计算机支持项目 的课程. 的 ASC provides many academic support services from mini academic workshops 如记笔记,时间管理,学习技巧,个人和小组辅导 帮助学生应对课程内容和学生自身的具体挑战 总体大学经历.
5便士到期.m. on the published payment deadline date before classes begin. 付款期限可在 登记的日历. Payments may be made by debit card, credit card, or personal check. 名义上 不过,学生们可以选择在秋季和秋季期间建立分期付款计划 春季学期. Installment plans are not available in summer.
我们希望你的学生在他们的课程上取得成功,所以我们已经实施了一个 学术预警计划! Faculty can initiate an academic early alert if a student 在课程上有学术问题,比如缺课,考试成绩差, needing additional skills support such as note-taking, etc. 学生将获得 一个学术警报,提供他们的进步反馈,将鼓励看到 their faculty or advisor for additional help.
是的. Career Services provides UAFS students and graduates with a full range of job 就业指导. 的 professional staff will advise students on a variety of areas 如协调实习,全职和兼职工作,并提供 job search assistance with resumes and interviewing workshops.
UAFS努力为所有学生提供平等的教育机会. 为确保残疾学生获得完整的大学体验,我们力求 为身体、情感、 或者学习障碍. 的 underlying philosophy of the program is to provide support, 在可能的情况下,这将最大限度地提高每个学生取得学业成功的机会. 参观 ADA服务页面 了解更多信息.
UAFS is one of Arkansas's largest providers of real-time, web-based courses. 我们提供 多种可供选择的交付方式,以满足我们日益多样化的需求 student population, including online, evening, and weekend courses. 我们的许多将军 教育课程在网上提供. Please note, however, that alternate delivery 课程通常是最先招满的,所以学生应该尽早报名.
No. All of our classes are taught by professional faculty. 我们的教授认为 scheduled office hours so they can assist students outside the classroom. 由于 我们是一个以学习为中心而不是以研究为导向的机构,排名第一 priority of faculty is to ensure that UAFS students receive a quality education.
是的. 的 Office of 住房 and Residential Life is committed to creating a residential community that supports a vibrant learning 在UAFS的经验. 的 university currently offers two on-campus housing options:
狮子穴宿舍楼 狮子穴主要是一年级学生的家,是一个可持续的设计和 特色生活和学习菲律宾十大网赌网站侧重于学生的成功和公民参与. 居民享受各种套房风格的房间选择,包括一,二,和三间卧室 floor plans with four to five people in each spacious suite. 便利设施包括 家具齐全的房间,“阁楼”超长双人床,菲律宾十大网赌网站休息室,安全 and security features, and residential programming. 的 on-site dining facility accommodates 学生有灵活的膳食计划,在一个既方便又舒适的环境. 的 dining hall is a buffet-style facility with several healthy options.
〇Sebastian Commons公寓 塞巴斯蒂安Commons是一个独特的公寓菲律宾十大网赌网站,提供一个独特的学生 housing experience for upperclassmen who wish to reside on campus. 公寓的布局 include one-, two-, and four-bedroom floorplans. 设施包括所有基本设施 付费,设备齐全的厨房,单人房,大床,封闭式停车场,沙滩排球 球场,篮球场现场. All rooms are equipped with extended basic cable 还有互联网服务.
谁住过Sebastian Commons或Lion 's Den,怎么样. For information on either facility, contact the 住房 Office at 479-788-7340.
大学警察局的警官在校园建筑和停车场巡逻 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. 根据请求,UPD还提供 对夜间独自在校行走或起跑的学生进行安全护送 should students need assistance with their vehicle. 这两项服务都是免费的 电荷.
无论学生们选择参加表演,都要观看两个全国排名的选手之间的比赛 运动队,或者只是和朋友一起看电影放松,UAFS的校园生活提供 适合每个人的东西. Our athletics program features men's baseball, women's volleyball, and men's and women's basketball, cross country, tennis, and golf. UAFS有超过 100个学生组织,包括一个活跃的校园活动委员会和学生 政府协会. Our students perform throughout the semester in the jazz band, concert chorale, vocal jazz, symphonic band, and drama productions.